Monday, May 28, 2012

The Spider II -Advanced Warm Up-

The first "The Spider" post should have helped you to get used to move your fingers independently. One variation of that is combining this with string skipping. So you start on the E string and jump to the G string and back. Another variation is to combine the Spider with stretching by changing from a chromatic scale to always moving by one note. This will stretch your middle and ring finger and train their independence.

tabstave notation=true notes :8 14/6 16/6 18/6 20/6 | notes :8 14/5 16/5 18/5 20/5 | notes :8 14/4 16/4 18/4 20/4 | tabstave notation=true notes :8 14/3 | tabstave notation=true notes :8 14/1 16/1 18/1 20/1 | notes :8 14/2 16/2 18/2 20/2 | notes :8 14/3 16/3 18/3 20/3 |
The next step would be to skip strings by going from the E string to the D string and then to the B string and vice versa.

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